Chesterton ECS-T - Environmental Containment Sheet Gasket

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Chesterton ECS-T - Environmental Containment PTFE Sheet Gasket
Tan PTFE Sheet


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ECS-T is a tan PTFE sheet gasket material suitable for high pressure and temperature services, especially in chemical and hydrocarbon plants in strong acids. ​

High chemical resistance
Excellent in strong acids​
Suitable for high pressure and temperature services​
​​Suitable for high pressure and temperature services, especially in chemical and hydrocarbon plants in strong acids.
​Temperature Limit–210°C (–346°F) to 260°C (500°F)
Pressure LimitECS-W and ECS-T: 83 bar g (1200 psig)
ECS-B: 55 bar g (800 psig)
Chemical ResistancepH 0 to 14 inert to all common chemicals except molten alkali metals, fluorine and certain fluorine bearing compounds.
Sealability (ASTM F-37a) @ .7 bar gECS-W: 0,04 ml/h
ECS-T: 0,20 ml/h
ECS-B: 0,12 ml/h
Compressibility (ASTM F-36a) @ 5000 psigECS-W: 5 to 15%
ECS-T: 7 to 12%
ECS-B: 30 to 50%
Sealability (DIN 3535)< 0,015 cm3/min
Creep Relaxation (ASTM F-38B)ECS-W: 25% maximum
ECS-T: 18% maximum
ECS-B: 40% maximum
Recovery (ASTM F-36a) @ 5000 psigECS-W and ECS-T: 40% minimum ECS-B: 25% minimum
Tensile Strength (ASTM F-152)2000 psig; (14 MPa)
P x T Factor12,000 (°C x bar g)
350,000 for 1/16"; (°F x psig)
8,500 (°C x bar g)
250,000 for 1/8"; (°F x psig)



Product Datasheet: ECS-T PTFE Gasket Sheet (English) Datasheet: ECS-T PTFE Gasket Sheet (English)pdf
SDS: ECS-T (English) ECS-T (English)pdf
SDS: ECS-T (Portugues) ECS-T (Portugues)pdf
Product Datasheet: ECS-T PTFE Gasket Sheet (Espanol) Datasheet: ECS-T PTFE Gasket Sheet (Espanol)pdf
Product Datasheet: ECS-T PTFE Gasket Sheet (Finnish) Datasheet: ECS-T PTFE Gasket Sheet (Finnish)pdf



Catalog: Chesterton Products for the EMEA Region (English) Chesterton Products for the EMEA Region (English)pdf
Catalog: Chesterton Packing and Gasket Product Catalog (English) Chesterton Packing and Gasket Product Catalog (English)pdf
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Article: Stationary - Reliable Flange Sealing Flange Sealing.pdfArticle: Stationary - Reliable Flange Sealingpdf
Brochure: Flange Gaskets - Chesterton Gasket Centers (English) Flange Gaskets - Chesterton Gasket Centers (English)pdf